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Picanha is the cut most loved by Brazilians! Do you know the famous types of Picanha? We’ll list them below:


Argentinian Picanha: 
The world-renowned Argentinian Picanha comes from the Angus breed. It has a streaky fat and therefore has more juiciness and flavor. The geographic characteristics of the country dramatically influence the taste of each piece. The oxen roam on flat pastures, a well-known feature of the Pampas. This makes the oxen retain more intramuscular fat.



Australian Sirloin: 
This sirloin has a thick, uniform layer of fat and excellent marbling. It is known for being delicious and tender. The Murray-Darling Basin in southeastern Australia has many different animals that contribute to one-third of Australia’s food supply. These animals provide a picanha that easily exceeds 2.64lbs.


Uruguayan Sirloin: 
It has remarkable softness, juiciness, and a uniform fat layer that distinguishes it from the other types of picanha. An interesting fact about Uruguayan Sirloin is that it wasn’t a very popular cut in Uruguay until about 10 years ago when it became more in demand.


Wagyu Picanha: 
The Wagyu Picanha is known as one of the world’s most valued meats. It has a unique marbling, buttery flavor, and is one of the most tender and juicy cuts available. In Japan, Kobe beef is a special type of Wagyu beef that references the city of Kobe in Japan, where the cattle are born and raised.
Soon, you will have access to these international cuts of picanha.
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Coconut Creek, Florida.

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